Welcome To Gayatri Vidhya Mandir Nousar

I am happy to take the charge of this growing organization GAYATRI VIDYA MANDIR NOUSAR .

believe in autonomous learning " SELF MOTIVATED , SELF DIRECTED AND SELF CONTROLLED "  . Because I think self-motivation is important, that leads to elimination of stress and you get energy to work, in the same way we should be self-directed and self-controlled these lead  to the goal attainment in our lives.  Another thing is that" Knowledge without Implementation is worthless" , So whatever we are learning we should use it and implement it.  Learning is the endless process we must have that learning mindset always, because that learning makes you knowledgeable person and knowledge makes you great.  Efforts are not important SYSTEMATIC PLANNED EFFORTS BEING IMPORTANT. Don't work Very hard work only hard but consistently. Always keep one Diary to make plan of your objectives and execute them so that we can achieve the highest performance. At last Never lose hope because every problem comes with its solution.

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